Video recording & editing
Recording, conversion, adaptation and editing in virtually any video format.

Want to immortalise important moments in Your life or Your career? Our professional photographers are at Your service. We cover events, organise group and studio sessions and provide quality post-processing.

Audio recording & editing
Recording, conversion, adaptation and editing in virtually any audio format.

Animation & 3D mapping
Whether it’s Your own idea that needs materialising or a new concept altogether, we are Your go-to crowd in the video business. Commercials, viral videos, animated logos, interactive projections, physical object mapping – do not hesitate to share with us any of Your ludicrous ideas.

Spice up Your events with something memorable. Compliment the sound with picture. Visual information are best remembered.

Live streaming
Guest speakers from around the globe, internet live streaming, live comments, twitter feeds – in an age of Wolrd Wide Web, don’t miss Your chance to increase Your influence and make Your voice heard anywhere on the planet.

We’re here to resolve any doubts You might have pertaining to the technical feasability of Your ideas. As a result of our rich experience in event logistics, production and supervision, we are more than able to adopt the supporting role for our clients.

Multi-channel interpretation systems. Williams sound, Bosch, Sennheiser, Brähler…

Event management
If You are in need of someone to conduct one of Your events, allow us to offer our management services. Our event and production managers are at the ready when it comes to taking on the responsibility over Your events, so that You can relax and enjoy them.